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Tag Archives: protest

Readings on Abortion

In an effort to further public understanding of abortion and Roe v. Wade, we are offering free access to these relevant journal articles and book chapters.

Titles for May Day

May Day, also called International Workers’ Day, is observed in many countries on May 1. It commemorates the historic struggles and gains of worker and labor movements worldwide.

When They Came For Me: The Hidden Diary of An Apartheid Prisoner

When Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969, John Schlapobersky was a political prisoner in Pretoria and knew nothing about it – he was in solitary confinement. When he learnt about the landing, he looked for the moon without success from the window of his cell.

1968: Looking on 50 Years Later

  The year 1968 brought a wave of anti-authoritarian political activity across Europe and beyond which may have been seen as a decisive turning point in the Western world. The protests and social movements of 1968 comprised a worldwide escalation of social and political conflicts and marked the climax of protests that simultaneously captured most industrialized […]