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Berghahn Journals: New Issues Published in November


Anthropological Journal of European Cultures

Volume 26, Issue 2: Changing Places, Changing People 

This special issue aims to address the relationship between critical heritage and redefinitions of self, other, community and place within the contemporary global reality of movement and flux. A section of general articles concludes this issue of the Anthropological Journal of European Cultures.


Anthropology in Action

Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice

Volume 24, Issue 3

The articles in this issue of Anthropology in Action range from an exploration of local agency in development anthropology to a call for a review of GIPA-based policies. Possible frameworks for evaluating well-being as an indicator of culturally sustainable development are considered and the classic techno-practice perspective in medical design anthropology is broadened. 

Anthropology of the Middle East

Volume 12, Issue 2: Emerging Kinship in a Changing Middle East


This issue of Anthropology in the Middle East examines whether, how and to what extent kinship has changed in the face of modernity, globalization, wars, migrations and political change. The articles address kinship from varied perspectives, and situate themselves in their broader cultural context.



The Cambridge Journal of Anthropology

Volume 35, Issue 2: Infrastructures of Certainty and Doubt

This issue contains a special section that explores the various ways in which states of certainty and doubt are generated and sustained. In the last article of this section, Tanya Luhrmann takes up this topic as it relates to the way people recognize and experience supernatural presence.

Critical Survey

Volume 29, Issue 3: Chaucer: Articles on Practice, Theory, Reading 

This special issue of Critical Survey encompasses topics ranging from an exploration of how Chaucer’s use of privatives and negative prefixes work to inflect his larger concerns with Fortune to his exploitation of the gap between the reception of a poem when it is heard socially and its afterlife as a text.

Democratic Theory

An Interdisciplinary Journal

Volume 4, Issue 2

This issue of Democratic Theory draws together several key contributions to important ongoing debates. The articles offer a critique of the current push to ensure an objective standard of normative truth, a case for polarity as the fundamental structure of politics, an exploration of corporatism in global politics, and of the politics of democratic institutions. An interview and critical commentary follow.




European Comic Art

Volume 10, Issue 2

The articles in this issue of European Comic Art take up a historical perspective and touch upon the question of borders, defended or contested, in relation to cultural and national identity. The Franco-Belgian heritage, whether as repository of childhood memories or ideological battleground, is explored and formal characteristics of the medium are examined.

French Politics, Culture & Society

Volume 35, Issue 3

The articles in this issue of French Politics, Culture & Society range from an examination of one of the first instances of a public intellectual engagement with the phenomenon of neoliberalism in France to an analysis of the idea of “Algerian literature” and its structural relationship to “French literature”-unstable notions that have been subject to fierce debate. This issue concludes with two review essays and book reviews.

Historical Reflections

Volume 43, Issue 3

The articles in this issue of Historical Reflections range from a critique of Catholic nobles’ ties with rural communities to an examination of the influence of Keïta Fodéba on Guinean national culture. Where one explores the shift in authorship of French cookbooks, another provides compelling evidence of the mutually revelatory ties between a work of art and its context.

Israel Studies Review

Volume 32, Issue 2

The articles in this issue of Israel Studies Review range from a critique of the Israeli television series, Fauda, to an analysis of Jewish immigrants on the nascent advertising industry in British Mandatory Palestine. An empirical test for the Court-Pivot Dual Utility Model is presented and the ideological role played by historical fiction for children and youth in 1960s Israel is examined. This issue concludes with two review essays and book reviews. 


Museum Worlds

Advances in Research

Volume 5

This volume of Museum Worlds features two special sections, where “Ritual Repatriation” poses an examination of ritual meaning and form across repatriation processes and “Engaging Anthropological Legacies” provides new insight into redeploying ethnographic collections and formats toward more convivial and cosmo-optimistic futures.




Sartre Studies International

An Interdisciplinary Journal of Existentialism and Contemporary Culture

Volume 23, Issue 2

Although the articles published in this edition of Sartre Studies International were not assembled as part of a themed issue, there is every justification for suggesting that they could be grouped under the heading ‘Sartre Today’. Each of them demonstrates that Sartre’s thinking remains relevant to many of the key issues facing our contemporary world.



Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies

Volume 16, Issue 3: Mobility and Infrastructure


This special issue of Sibirica approaches the interrelated themes of mobility and infrastructure in the Russian Arctic, looking at the complex interplay between people’s perception of well-being and behavior, and their understanding and discourse around infrastructure.