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Berghahn Journals: New Issues Published in July




Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies

Volume 16, Issue 2

This issue explores a wide range of topics, including: Russian tobacco exporting to indigenous communities, Siberia migration in the eighteenth century, the semantic structure of domestic deer herd names and more. 


French Politics, Culture & Society

Issue 2: In Search of Europe, Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Stanley Hoffmann

With this issue, French Politics, Culture & Society celebrates its thirty-fifth year of publication and honors its co-founder, Stanley Hoffmann, who died two years ago at the age of eighty-six. As a tribute to Stanley, this issue features essays by five of his former colleagues and students.



Volume 7, Issue 2

 This issue of Transfers presents a series of articles that indirectly take up the concept of transfers in different ways. Transfers, they suggest, might be thought of in terms of circulations, assemblages, entanglements, mobile social practices, networks of movement, moving onward, migrations, and the choreographies of bodies within practices of transport.


Anthropology in Action

Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice

Volume 24, Issue 2: The Role of Anthropology in an Ebola Outbreak: Case Studies from West Africa. Guest Editors: Emilie Venables and Umberto Pellecchia

The articles in this special issue demonstrate, through ethnographic fieldwork and observations, how anthropologists and the methodological tools of their discipline became a means of understanding the Ebola outbreak in West Africa during 2014 and 2015.


Historical Reflections/Reflexions Historiques

Volume 43, Issue 2: Romanticizing Difference: Identities in Transformation after World War I. Guest Editors: Nadia Malinovich and Cécile Mathieu

This special issue explores the theme of essentialist discourses about languages, human collectivities, and human diversity during the interwar years, outside of explicitly racist or antisemitic perspectives.


Regions and Cohesion

Regiones y Cohesión / Régions et Cohésion

Volume 7, Issue 2

As RISC celebrates its tenth anniversary, Regions and Cohesion is pleased to contribute to this collective agenda combining academic analysis with the promotion of values, such as mutual respect and social solidarity. These contributions and the World Family Portrait in general, illustrate, above all, RISC’s commitment to the protection of human dignity.